Effective Anti-Termite Control After construction
Discovering a termite infestation on your property can be worrisome, especially if you notice signs such as hollow wood, mud tubes on exterior walls, cracked or bubbly paint, or termite droppings. Termites are experts at working from the inside out, making it difficult to detect their presence. These destructive pests form huge colonies deep underground. Removing termites from residential or commercial buildings requires special skills. At Chem-Pest, our thorough inspection allows us to identify specific termite attack zones and pinpoint exactly where they have invaded or are likely to invade. Treatment of wall and floor connections To create barriers against termites, we drill holes at appropriate intervals and inject a powerful termitecide solution under pressure. This treatment is extended to infested areas on the upper floors. After the process is complete, the boreholes are carefully sealed. Treatment of wooden fasteners For infested wooden fixtures such as window f...